Sleepiness Quiz

Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Complete the following questionnaire using the following scoring system to determine where you fall on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale:

0= no chance of dozing
1= slight chance of dozing
2= moderate chance of dozing
3= high chance of dozing

Please select your chance of dozing given the following situations.

Calculate Epworth Score

Epworth Score:

Calculated by adding the values of the dropdowns above.

The Sleep Center's Sleepiness Scale

Please continue the rest of the quiz based on The Sleep Center's Sleepiness Scale to receive complete results.

Calculate Final Score

Sleepiness Score:

Final Score:

Calculated by adding the Epworth Total to the Sleep Center Total

Calculated by adding the values of the dropdowns above.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale + The Sleep Center's Sleepiness Scale

Our scale takes into account the effect that commonly used stimulants will have on sleepiness. Sleep disorders develop over time and we often compensate by using readily available, socially accepted methods to compensate for our sleepiness.

If you would like further analysis of these results, enter your information below. Your answers will be sent to us securely, and you will receive a personalized review of your results form one of our sleep professionals. We respect your privacy and your information will not be used in any other way.